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Hogar EnSeñas

Amealco, Queretaro, MX

A ministry lead by Marisela Cano for both Deaf and hearing children, teenagers, and adults that provides educational, recreational, and multicultural activities.


Marisela Cano, founder of Hogar EnSeñas, has a heart for the Deaf indigenous people in Queretaro. After hearing about RSM, she brought four Deaf students to attend our school, and she decided to stay as an intern and learn as much as she could. She then returned to Queretaro to replicate what RSM was doing there in terms of Deaf ministry and started Hogar EnSeñas. Luke Everett continued counseling and encouraging her in his trips to Queretaro on how to minister to the Deaf. Currently, RSM not only financially supports Hogar EnSeñas, but is directly involved with the development of the new ministry site with Eddie Everett making regular visits bringing supplies and coordinating efforts to build the ministry.

For more information about how to get involved, please contact Eddie Everett

Joshua building new countertops at HES

Joshua building new countertops at HES

Jessica, Joshua, Marisela & Jesus

Jessica, Joshua, Marisela & Jesus

Marisela Cano

Marisela standing in the new building

Eddie in Almeaco

Eddie working with a former staff member in Queretaro


The land that was purchased for the new Deaf ministry

Future WC & Classroom

Footings for the bathroom and classroom

New Kitchen

New kitchen being built on the land

New School

School building almost complete for the new Deaf ministry

Marisela Teaching

Marisela teaching a group of Deaf students in Almeaco

Sign Classes

Marisela's sign class

Eddie Working

Eddie working with Marisela

Luke in Almeaco

Luke in Alemaco with Deaf students and their families

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